Mysterious but inspirational graffiti makes appearance!

By Kaltun Abdillahi

Students making their way into University buildings in Liverpool on Monday morning will have had come across a strange but inspirational message drawn onto a wall.

The message on the wall appeared as ‘Happiness Is a Journey Not a Destination’ which made those around the area think about the note whilst walking by. The message was painted behind an ancient graveyard wall which leads onto Maryland Street. The street is located in the Mount Pleasant Campus, where many university buildings are situated including the Student Union and where many students travel to and from the many cafes, shops and restaurants.

'Happiness is A Journey Not A Destination'

‘Happiness is A Journey Not A Destination’

I asked one student based in Liverpool John Moores University what she thought about the graffiti. Melissa McFarlane who first came across the message on Monday said: “At first i thought who has vandalised our university wall but the quote itself was intriguing and it made me think whilst walking down the street.” The journalist student was not the only one who was intrigued as Univesity of Liverpool student, Kate said this of the graffiti: “I don’t come here most mornings since I go to university of Liverpool and am not based here, but I was coming to meet a friend and I certainly stopped and looked, wondering who drew the message onto the wall.”

It is something of a metaphorical message for students, who are all working hard all in a effort to achieve success and happiness but often find those years of travelling to university to be difficult, at least some of the time.

Abdirizak Ahmed, who was just walking past the area, said the yellow paint used probably caught his attention. He added: “I don’t know who drew it but yes it caught my attention. Like everybody probably wondering, ‘why, what’s their point?”

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The artist only left a signature like symbol next to the graffiti, the only thing to identify him by, for now.

Who's behind it all?

Who’s behind it all?

Nevertheless, this is not the only worded graffiti to make an appearance in the street. The words “Money Eats Brain” are painted on a street light in the same area.

Does it?

Does it?

The new articulated graffiti is something that could be welcomed by those walking about in the area and especially students who spend most of their day on the campus. Monday morning journeys may not be so bleak after all.

What do you think? Do we have another Banksy on our hands? Or is it just some kind of artist but inspirational person who wanted to share the message with fellow people? Let us know what you think below in the comment section.

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