It’s been days since that famous Selfie…#Oscars #Films

By Kaltun Abdillahi

Social Media is just about everywhere. So what excatly happens when the biggest films awards, biggest celebrity A-listers and selfie all come together? The end result as you probably found out from twitter, is a record breaking re-tweet for a picture.

Host Ellen DeGeneres made a number of modern day calls whilst presenting the Oscars in a bid to entertain, as she followed on her order of pizza for the evening’s guests with the most famous epic selfie gathering, including Bradley Cooper, Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep. That might explain the record number of people it drew with the biggest audience since 2004 with 43 million viewers.

On a more serious note, the true harrowing story of 12 Years A Slave won the biggest film award there was for BEST PICTURE. Lupita Nyong’o who plays young slave ‘Platt’ picked up Best Supporting Actress award.

And whilst 12 Years A Slave was a decent winner on the night, sci-fi film Gravity scooped seven of the nights awards on the glamorous evening, including Alfonso Cuarón for Best Director and Best Cinematography.

So staying with the film theme, here in Liverpool and on ‘The Liverpool Line’ site we thought we could pick out the top 5 films for you to go see at the LIVERPOOL ONE ODEON this next seven days. Enjoy!

Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

1. 12 Years A Salve;

Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

Educational and a sad film but nevertheless you come out of the cinema’s feeling grateful but also glad for that the story was told. Based on a historical tale, it follows the story of author Solomon Northup, played by BAFTA winning British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, a lawyer and a free man who through ill-fated circumstances is sold into slavery. The film is able to explore the full effect of slavery on Solomon because although the loss of his freedom is essential to the story it is also the damage to his identity which makes it ruthless.

The now Oscar-winning film could be described as difficult to watch but this is not only because of its rather exploitation and violence but due to the realisation that it’s based upon a true story. The sadistic truth that a country which eminences itself to be ‘The Land of The Free’ deemed it right for a human being to be a property of another person.

Best tip: Take tissues *we could not REPEAT THIS ANY LOUDER*


Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

An Academy Award winner and a Blockbuster make Gravity a rarity in that sense. Only ninety (90) minutes long and more than a spectacle on 3D, the space adventure is like no other film making franchise.

On the 3D level it’s able to take viewers on a personal and intimate ride on the tale of a survival story set in the loneliest place on earth.  The story begins on a calm ride but the fairground thrill soon begins as a Hubble-attached shuttle is hit by an avalanche of space debris.

Definitely worth seeing and don’t forget to take your 3D glasses.

As one reviewer put it “Honestly, if you’re not mesmerised by the look of Gravity, then it may be time for you to stop going to the cinema.” – Mark Kermode

We were, just for the record.

3. RoboCop;

Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

For starters it’s a very good remake of the classic 1987 Film Robocop. Film reviewers were sceptical of Hollywood churning out yet another idea for a remake but to their surprise the film is not a let-down in comparison to the original great. Set in the distant 2028 and similar in ways to the original, the backbone of the story is the struggle between man and machine customs.

If you are of a younger generation it’s likely you have not watched the original so seeing the fully re-polished modern day Robocop would be more than worth seeing. It’s an entertaining film and particularly enjoyable to those who like action-packed and crime investigative genre films.

4. Non-Stop;

Piture @ Wikipedia

Piture @ Wikipedia

Liam Neeson does what he does best now in this mid-air action packed film. Since the actors recent uptake in these action movies, Liam Neeson returns to screen with role of Bill Marks, a US federal air marshal, the surprising kind who hates flying. Logic, right?The tale begins when Liam’s character gets a mysterious message on the secured government texting line, before the series of texts turn more threating and demand a large amount of money in an offshore account or with the result of the death of a passenger on the plane-every 20 minutes.

We say you are most likely to go see this film for Liam Neeson, as he delivers the brusque character faultlessly into action.

5. A New York Winter’s Tale

Picture @ Wikimedia Commons

Picture @ Wikimedia Commons

For those of you who fancy a romantic film, why not go check out the story of ‘A New York Winter’s Tale. This would-be romantic story is set as you’ll have guessed in New York and is also the Feature-film debut for Jessica Brown Findlay, last seen playing the role of Lady Sybil in the Downton house.

Brown Findlay plays the character of Beverly Finn and her star crossed lover is played by Colin Farrell, as the humble Irish born man.

Fans of Downton Abbey show will see similarities without looking too far, one being that this is set in the same era of the 20th century and two, is the tale of Jessica Brown Findlay’s character who falls in love across the class divide, who no does not fall for a chauffeur, but for a thief with a truly warm heart.

That’s it, that’s our Top 5 films that we have picked out for you.

Don’t forget to make your vote count in the poll in this story & please as ever do comment below. Plus let us know what films you might be seeing, or better yet whether we convinced you to go see any of the above. All friendly and thoughtful comments welcome!

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