
Police Investigate Aigburth Shooting

By Kaltun Abdillahi

The area around Galbraith Close on Aigburth Road became the centre of a police investigation after shooting on Tuesday night.

A gun was discovered from the scene and residents heard loud bangs after shots were fired at about 10:30pm.  Police confirmed later on that no one was hurt but found minor damage to a vehicle.

The incident meant the police cordoned off streets and became inconvenient for residents who were not allowed to get to their homes without getting permission.

Alan Barton on twitter

Alan Barton on twitter

The blocked off streets caused more disruption for a wide variety of people from those who travel in the area to work to school students, several of them having to make different travel arrangements.

A resident near the scene recalled the start of the incident when they first heard a police helicopter hovering overhead. “Although I didn’t hear any gunshots, a friend told me about it and then I later remember becoming annoyed about the loud helicopter, not aware of what has gone on. So this morning was the only time I actually saw the scale of the incident and what had actually happened” said a resident.

Chief Inspector Roy McGregor said: “We take incidents of this nature extremely seriously and we are determined to identify the people responsible. Thankfully no one was hurt in the incident. (Echo quote) Police are appealing to anyone who at the time of the incident was in the area to contact the police with any potential information to help towards their inquiries.

The road in both directions has now reopened after more than 12 hours of closure.

Were you in the area? Did you hear or anything? Let us know on  Facebook,  Tweet us or email us at

Liverpool race participants raise over £1000 for Claire House Children’s Hospice

By Catherine Cunningham

Today, on Liverpool City Centre’s waterfront, 8,500 competitors took place in Liverpool’s 21st Half Marathon. 3 of those runners were Stephen Buckley, 26, Nicky McGrane, 26 and Rebecca Loughlin, 24. They were running to raise money for Claire House Children’s Hospice, a home that offers families respite care for young people with life threatening illnesses.


The race started at 9:00 am on 23/03/2014. There were over 8,500 runners.

The cause was chosen because Stephen’s brother David is 24 and still receives care from Claire House. The house does not normally offer care for a patient this grown up, however after the amount of time they have all spent together, they still help him with his struggle with muscular dystrophy.

Stephen and Nicky are actually running 3 half marathons to raise money for the cause, on 3 consecutive Sunday’s- today they ran Liverpool’s waterfront, next week they ar


Stephen Buckley at a fundraiser for Claire House at The Casa Liverpool.

e flying over to Berlin for their half marathon, and in two weeks they will run the coast of Blackpool, all in the name of charity. As well as the sponsored runs, Stephen organised a fundraiser in The Casa, Liverpool, where music was played, food served and a raffle held. Between all the different efforts, £1,120 has been raised for the house, an invaluable amount as it does not receive government funding. Ste said that it wasn’t all about the money raised for the house, but the help that people gave to get the charity known, and to help organise events like the party at The Casa- he gave particular thanks to Terry Petit.

The participants all did the half marathon this morning in roughly 2 hours, and Nicky was hopeful about the other runs. Liverpool Football Club manager Brendan Rodgers opened the race, and was due to take part but had to pull out due to a knee injury, which he has said made him immensely disappointed.

Paint Liverpool Green

1011479_10201479820773559_779565503_nBy Bradd Chambers

It’s been two days since St. Patrick’s Day, which means that the hangovers have (hopefully) gone by now. With Liverpool having the highest proportion of Irish and Northern Irish students, residents and ancestry than any other English city, you can guess that the celebrations were in full swing from the minute the alarm clock was turned off.

With many people taking the day off work and university, pubs had a lot on their plates rather than their traditional ‘pub lunch.’ With people drinking in the day, the streets were filled with green, white and orange.

Flashing tiaras, tricolour flags and green tops littered  Liverpool city centre. Drinks were flowing freely and  old Irish folk songs were blasting from every direction.  Words started to stutter before dinner time and many  had Guinness, “the liquid lunch.” Singing and chanting  were heard from every Irish bar, including city centre’s O’Neill’s, Shenanigans and McHales Irish/American Bar.

But why do people celebrate ‘Paddy’s Day?’

1743512_10152312278070011_1907182554_nWe all know the legend about Saint Patrick banishing all the snakes from Ireland.

But what did he really do?

It’s believed that St Patrick was born in Roman Britain. He was apparently kidnapped at the age of 16 by Irish raiders and was taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland. He allegedly spent six years working as a shepherd when God came to him, telling him to flee to the mainland, where he became a priest.

Following his priest-hood, he returned to Ireland to convert people to Christianity. According to tradition, he converted thousands in the northern half of Ireland.

Legend says he died on March 17, buried in Downpatrick and became the saint of Ireland.
So why do we wear green?
St Patrick is believed to have used shamrocks to convert the Irish. The use of it in modern celebrations is tradition.
The colour green, however, has been associated with Ireland since the 17th century. 

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the colour green and its association with Saint Patrick’s Day gre


















My St Patrick’s Day was spent in class, but it wasn’t all bad – I was let out early because I’m Northern Irish. I then spent the day drinking in my flat with all my flat mates and friends who were all dressed in green and had their faces painted. It was my first time celebrating it over here and I loved it! How did you celebrate your day?

Let us all know in the comments below. Also send us in your pictures through and we’ll put them up on our site!

Happy Paddy’s Day 2014!

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Sent in by Luke McCausland

Sent in by Luke McCausland

Liverpool Blossoms in Spring Sunshine

By Kaltun Abdillahi

This week saw Liverpool city enjoy some strong and rare spring sunshine in March. If you look back to this time last year Britain was having one of its worst summers in a while and snow was falling. But it seems that cold-dreary weather is now long forgotten as many of the city’s people enjoyed the spring sun in midweek, clearly adding to their anticipation for the summer ahead.

Below we have put together some pictures of Liverpool in the sunshine, from Aigburth to the flowers that have already begun opening up to let the sun through in the City Centre. Enjoy and as ever do let us know what you think in the comment section below. Is the recent spring sunshine getting you excited and in the mood for summer? Why not let us know! Facebook,  Tweet us or email us at

Picture contributions from Catherine & Bradd.

It’s been days since that famous Selfie…#Oscars #Films

By Kaltun Abdillahi

Social Media is just about everywhere. So what excatly happens when the biggest films awards, biggest celebrity A-listers and selfie all come together? The end result as you probably found out from twitter, is a record breaking re-tweet for a picture.

Host Ellen DeGeneres made a number of modern day calls whilst presenting the Oscars in a bid to entertain, as she followed on her order of pizza for the evening’s guests with the most famous epic selfie gathering, including Bradley Cooper, Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep. That might explain the record number of people it drew with the biggest audience since 2004 with 43 million viewers.

On a more serious note, the true harrowing story of 12 Years A Slave won the biggest film award there was for BEST PICTURE. Lupita Nyong’o who plays young slave ‘Platt’ picked up Best Supporting Actress award.

And whilst 12 Years A Slave was a decent winner on the night, sci-fi film Gravity scooped seven of the nights awards on the glamorous evening, including Alfonso Cuarón for Best Director and Best Cinematography.

So staying with the film theme, here in Liverpool and on ‘The Liverpool Line’ site we thought we could pick out the top 5 films for you to go see at the LIVERPOOL ONE ODEON this next seven days. Enjoy!

Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

1. 12 Years A Salve;

Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

Educational and a sad film but nevertheless you come out of the cinema’s feeling grateful but also glad for that the story was told. Based on a historical tale, it follows the story of author Solomon Northup, played by BAFTA winning British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, a lawyer and a free man who through ill-fated circumstances is sold into slavery. The film is able to explore the full effect of slavery on Solomon because although the loss of his freedom is essential to the story it is also the damage to his identity which makes it ruthless.

The now Oscar-winning film could be described as difficult to watch but this is not only because of its rather exploitation and violence but due to the realisation that it’s based upon a true story. The sadistic truth that a country which eminences itself to be ‘The Land of The Free’ deemed it right for a human being to be a property of another person.

Best tip: Take tissues *we could not REPEAT THIS ANY LOUDER*


Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

An Academy Award winner and a Blockbuster make Gravity a rarity in that sense. Only ninety (90) minutes long and more than a spectacle on 3D, the space adventure is like no other film making franchise.

On the 3D level it’s able to take viewers on a personal and intimate ride on the tale of a survival story set in the loneliest place on earth.  The story begins on a calm ride but the fairground thrill soon begins as a Hubble-attached shuttle is hit by an avalanche of space debris.

Definitely worth seeing and don’t forget to take your 3D glasses.

As one reviewer put it “Honestly, if you’re not mesmerised by the look of Gravity, then it may be time for you to stop going to the cinema.” – Mark Kermode

We were, just for the record.

3. RoboCop;

Picture @ Flickr

Picture @ Flickr

For starters it’s a very good remake of the classic 1987 Film Robocop. Film reviewers were sceptical of Hollywood churning out yet another idea for a remake but to their surprise the film is not a let-down in comparison to the original great. Set in the distant 2028 and similar in ways to the original, the backbone of the story is the struggle between man and machine customs.

If you are of a younger generation it’s likely you have not watched the original so seeing the fully re-polished modern day Robocop would be more than worth seeing. It’s an entertaining film and particularly enjoyable to those who like action-packed and crime investigative genre films.

4. Non-Stop;

Piture @ Wikipedia

Piture @ Wikipedia

Liam Neeson does what he does best now in this mid-air action packed film. Since the actors recent uptake in these action movies, Liam Neeson returns to screen with role of Bill Marks, a US federal air marshal, the surprising kind who hates flying. Logic, right?The tale begins when Liam’s character gets a mysterious message on the secured government texting line, before the series of texts turn more threating and demand a large amount of money in an offshore account or with the result of the death of a passenger on the plane-every 20 minutes.

We say you are most likely to go see this film for Liam Neeson, as he delivers the brusque character faultlessly into action.

5. A New York Winter’s Tale

Picture @ Wikimedia Commons

Picture @ Wikimedia Commons

For those of you who fancy a romantic film, why not go check out the story of ‘A New York Winter’s Tale. This would-be romantic story is set as you’ll have guessed in New York and is also the Feature-film debut for Jessica Brown Findlay, last seen playing the role of Lady Sybil in the Downton house.

Brown Findlay plays the character of Beverly Finn and her star crossed lover is played by Colin Farrell, as the humble Irish born man.

Fans of Downton Abbey show will see similarities without looking too far, one being that this is set in the same era of the 20th century and two, is the tale of Jessica Brown Findlay’s character who falls in love across the class divide, who no does not fall for a chauffeur, but for a thief with a truly warm heart.

That’s it, that’s our Top 5 films that we have picked out for you.

Don’t forget to make your vote count in the poll in this story & please as ever do comment below. Plus let us know what films you might be seeing, or better yet whether we convinced you to go see any of the above. All friendly and thoughtful comments welcome!

You can tell us what you think & contact us @ FacebookTwitter or email us at

Mysterious but inspirational graffiti makes appearance!

By Kaltun Abdillahi

Students making their way into University buildings in Liverpool on Monday morning will have had come across a strange but inspirational message drawn onto a wall.

The message on the wall appeared as ‘Happiness Is a Journey Not a Destination’ which made those around the area think about the note whilst walking by. The message was painted behind an ancient graveyard wall which leads onto Maryland Street. The street is located in the Mount Pleasant Campus, where many university buildings are situated including the Student Union and where many students travel to and from the many cafes, shops and restaurants.

'Happiness is A Journey Not A Destination'

‘Happiness is A Journey Not A Destination’

I asked one student based in Liverpool John Moores University what she thought about the graffiti. Melissa McFarlane who first came across the message on Monday said: “At first i thought who has vandalised our university wall but the quote itself was intriguing and it made me think whilst walking down the street.” The journalist student was not the only one who was intrigued as Univesity of Liverpool student, Kate said this of the graffiti: “I don’t come here most mornings since I go to university of Liverpool and am not based here, but I was coming to meet a friend and I certainly stopped and looked, wondering who drew the message onto the wall.”

It is something of a metaphorical message for students, who are all working hard all in a effort to achieve success and happiness but often find those years of travelling to university to be difficult, at least some of the time.

Abdirizak Ahmed, who was just walking past the area, said the yellow paint used probably caught his attention. He added: “I don’t know who drew it but yes it caught my attention. Like everybody probably wondering, ‘why, what’s their point?”

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The artist only left a signature like symbol next to the graffiti, the only thing to identify him by, for now.

Who's behind it all?

Who’s behind it all?

Nevertheless, this is not the only worded graffiti to make an appearance in the street. The words “Money Eats Brain” are painted on a street light in the same area.

Does it?

Does it?

The new articulated graffiti is something that could be welcomed by those walking about in the area and especially students who spend most of their day on the campus. Monday morning journeys may not be so bleak after all.

What do you think? Do we have another Banksy on our hands? Or is it just some kind of artist but inspirational person who wanted to share the message with fellow people? Let us know what you think below in the comment section.

Do you have some pictures of Liverpool? A Story? You can contact us via FacebookTweet us or email us at

Fifth person dies following drinking nomination

By Bradd Chambers

The people of Liverpool are encouraged to drink sensibly, following the ‘NekNomination’ online drinking craze killing its fifth victim.

Bradley Eames from Nottingham has died four days after posting his ‘NekNomination’ on Facebook. The 20-year-old rugby player complained about feeling ill after drinking two pints of gin in minutes.


(Picture above taken from Facebook)

Speaking to the Liverpool Echo, Angela Slade, accident and emergency matron at Aintree University Hospital believes the game increases the already present risks caused by binge drinking.

She said: “Many of the patients in emergency departments end up there because of drinking too much – our clinical teams see the damage this causes each day. This can particularly be an issue for younger people living away from home for the first time.”

Bradley’s death follows four others due to the popular game which started in Australia. 29-year-old Stephen Brooks died in Cardiff. Isaac Richardson, from South London, died after mixing wine, whiskey, vodka and lager. Two men have also died in Ireland, including Ross Cummins from Dublin. 19-year-old Jonny Byrne from County Carlow jumped into a river and drowned during his nomination. Following his death, his brother tweeted saying the nomination’s ‘[had] to stop right now.’

The friends daring these people may face manslaughter charges if things go wrong. People have been mixing their drinks with not just alcohol, but dog food, engine oil, bleach and even live goldfish.

However, other people nominated for the craze have worked it to their advantage.

Steve Kay from Wrexham used his nomination to give clothes and food to a homeless man in Chester. Killian McIntosh from Northampton donated a pint of blood instead of necking a pint.


Irish amateur comedian Cian Twomey made a joke of his, by drinking a pint of ‘MiWadi’ and water, laughing that he’d be ‘so hydrated’ after it. You can watch his video, which has received over 3,000 likes here: Neknominate video.

What do you think of the recent craze? Have you taken part in it yourself? Do you have any stories you could share about the nominations? Comment, share and like this story and our others!

Contact us with anything you may have via FacebookTweet us or email us at

‘50 years since’….5 places to relive Beatlemania in ‘The Liverpool Line’

By Kaltun Abdillahi

The Beatles did not just turn out to be the greatest band of all time; they also left fragments of their great history and lives all around the city of Liverpool. It was 50 years ago on Sunday February 9 that The Beatles made their United States television debut and took America by storm with their appearance on ‘The Ed Sullivan Show.’ The historic moment truly signalled way for the beginning of Beatlemania in the US and by all means put Liverpool on the map for producing the legendary four.

In the last week America has been more than embracing the celebration of the young British band who conquered on American seas. This included a Grammy tribute concert in Los Angeles on Monday night as a star-studded line up joined Paul McCartney and Ringo star of the Beatles to commemorate the 50 years since the four first appeared on US television networks. Amongst the performers at the anniversary concert were British artist Ed Sheeran who performed ‘In My Life’ and pop-star Katy Perry as well as other musicians, who all sang renditions of The Beatles hits in a three hour long show.

The last time the two outstanding members of the Beatles, Paul McCartney and Ringo Star were able to perform a Beatles song together was in 2010 in an event celebrating Ringo’s 70th birthday.

So we used the celebrations of the Beatles in America as an excuse to dish out the top five places for you to relive the lives of the fab four near the waterfront area in Liverpool.

1. The Beatles Story 

The Beatles Story…

To begin with, why not experience the magic of the Beatles at the Albert Dock. This is where the Beatles Story is suited which is one of Liverpool’s best attraction visits for anything Beatles related. The Beatles story is probably the best place to visit in order to get a feel of the atmosphere of The Beatles era and the early 60s.





Make an entrance


Taking a tour around this place can tell the story of just about every moment of the fab four’s life especially to any young person who was not born in their era. For any tourist and Beatles fan taking a tour of The Beatles Story, it will tell the journey from the beginning moments of their childhood lives to how those four young Liverpudlian’s made it to the top of the highest levels of fame and fortune. Replicas of Mathew Street which situates The Cavern Club and Hessy’s music shop where John Lennon brought his first proper guitar are just two examples of what to expect. It really does capture every moment and highly recommended to relive their lives. 


2. Albert Dock-starting point for the Magical Mystery Tour!

You’re here!

The Magical Mystery Tour begins its expedition at the Albert Dock, where you can get aboard the bright, colourful coach which takes tourists to all the places associated with John, Paul, George and Ringo.

The bus trip takes visitors to a variety of Beatles landmarks from birthplaces to well-known sites such as Penny Lane and Strawberry Field. The coach has its very own qualified tour guides and is more than able to guide you through each Beatles landmark and how four local boys were able to take over the world of music.

The tour finishes at the Cavern Club.


3. Cavern Club

So imagine you just enjoyed a two hour guide discovering the remarkable story of The Beatles and the Magic Mystery Tour comes to an end at the Cavern club, another famous Beatlemania attraction.  The Cavern club is one of the many Beatles references which are located in Mathew Street. The club was a popular live music venue and is still recognised as one of Liverpool’s top music venues ever since The Beatles first performed on stage. It has an iconic stage which has seen even more iconic musicians perform at the club over its long and historical years.

One of the main advantages of the club for anyone visiting in this day and age is that it still offers a wide variety of live music. Therefore visiting the club can convey the unique atmosphere of where the Beatles themselves first began performing.

Refreshments are available as the club opens its doors on a daily basis and a visit would be a seamless way to sum up the music atmosphere of The Beatles era.

4. John Lennon Statue

 Admire it from close distance, take pictures and feel like you are standing next to the real John Lennon for a few moments. The John Lennon statue is certainly not one to miss. The statue has an earthy and cool attractiveness about it, able to portray a youthful resemblance of the famous singer/songwriter. The simplest Beatlemania visit you might make but one you will highly treasure.

5. The Hard Day’s Night hotel

P1010394So after a long day of touring and if you are looking to treat yourself or making a longer stop in Liverpool, you can round up your day of Beatlemania tour by jetting into the four star and Beatles themed ‘Hard Day’s Night Hotel *it’s in the name*. The hotel is located just near the corner of Mathew Street and just a short distance away from the famous Cavern Club and it even has a John Lennon statue along with the other members of The Beatles situated on the exterior of the building.

The hotel, dedicated to the fab four is more than able to make your Beatlemania tour the most memorable day/s. The ‘Hard Day’s Night’ hotel more than embraces its theme as it provides exclusive artwork of The Beatles all across its bedrooms and other sites.

Have you visited any of these places? Why not comment below and let us know. We would love to hear about it!

Contact us and send pictures or any stories you may have to us via FacebookTwitter or email us at